Large lands for sale in industrial zone. The purple area. l l Tel. 080-210-9177 Risa


  • 84 rai. 304 industrial zone.

  • 400+ rai. Gateway Industry area.

  • 500+ rai. Khaomaikaew-Amata city area.

  • 500+ rai. Maptaphut. (industrial zone)

84 rai. 304 industrial zone.

Large Landscape in​ the Industrial Zone​ for​ ​Sales, It​ is​ the​ land for​ Industry Business, Suitable for​ all ​factories. Total Land 84​ ​Rai.

400+ rai. Gateway Industry Area.

Large Landscape for​ Sales​ in​ Industrial Zone, Sited at​ Gateway Industry Area, Suitable for​ all​ manufactories. and etc. Total Land 400+ ​Rai.

524 rai. Khaomaikaew-Amata city area, Pattaya ( in ​Industrial zone)

Large Landscape in ​Industrial Zone for​ ​Sales, located at​ Khaomaikaew- Amata City Area, Sited at​ Banglamung District, Chonburi Province. Total land 524​​ Rai.

500+ rai. Maptaphut.

Large Landscape for Sales in industrial zone, Maptaphut, sited next to the derp Ocean/Seaside, Suitable for Industrial business project. Total land 500+ Rai.